Monday, May 9, 2011

Vitamins for Acne

Recognize Various Types Vitamins for Acne

Healthy diet is important to maintain healthy skin while vitamins for acne are essential to overcome acne. Vitamins for acne reduce acne by balancing vitamin deficiency in the body as well as preventing and lift the remaining acne dead skin

Vitamins for Acne - Vitamin A 
Vitamin A serves to protect the tissue, reducing sebum production, maintain and repair the skin. Therefore, Deficiency of vitamin a can lead to the appearance of acne.

In order to fight acne, you need to consume 10 000 international units (IU) or 5000 if you are pregnant. Excess of Vitamin for pregnant women it will make the toxins and harmful for fetus. Aside from vitamins for acne supplements, you can increase intake of vitamins for acne like vitamin A from foods such as carrots, pumpkin, mango, spinach, cantaloupe and yellow fruit or orange other.

Vitamins for Acne
Vitamins for Acne - Vitamin B5
This vitamins for acne is directly help fight acne by reducing stress and anxiety, the two factors that also trigger the emergence of acne. In addition, this vitamins for acne (vitamin B5) also helps improve the function of adrenal gland.

To fight acne, you need to consume 100 milligrams three times daily. You can also get vitamin B5 from foods such as meat, egg yolks, nuts, broccoli, cauliflower, whole grains, and fruits. This vitamin is good vitamins for acne.

Vitamins for Acne - Vitamin C
Vitamin C with bioflavonoid is the best antioxidants in overcoming acne protect skin from infection and boost immunity. Bioflavonoid contains antibacterial components that help the growth and tissue repair. Vitamin c is a good vitamin for acne.

To keep acne, you need to consume 1,000 to 1600 milligrams of vitamin C. You can also get this vitamin from foods such as broccoli, red and green peppers, citrus fruits, strawberries, and kiwi.

Vitamins for Acne - Vitamin E
Vitamins for acne supplements for overcome acne usually contain vitamin E. These vitamins are good to cure and prevent free radical damage and oxidation of lipids and keep skin moist and radiant.

To fight acne, try consuming 440 IU. You also can increase intake of from food sources such as whole grains, nuts, mayonnaise, and sweet potatoes.

Chromium reduces skin infections. If your diet rich in sugar, it's worth consume chromium supplements. Try consume 150 mcg per day for reduce acne.

Zinc restores skin tissue and prevents scarring. This mineral regulates the oil glands, restore wound and prevent free radical. To clear acne, try consuming 25 to 30 milligrams per day.

You can consume supplements and vitamins for acne in the multivitamin pill or liquid form. However, be sure to consult with doctor first for determine the proper dosage. Too many vitamins for acne can be dangerous because it becomes toxic to the body.

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